domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


In Colombia there are a number of cultural events that express the variety of ethnic, religious, costumes, traditions and lifestyles of its population and its natural wealth and diversity of different climates, geographies and landscapes, among others.

Here you will find the information related to cultural and archeological issues, holidays, myths and legends, dances and characters of each of the deparments of Colombia. Here are some of the most important myths and leyends of the culture of each region in order that everybody know and share the cultural wealth of the country in all its expressions.
  • Bochicas legend
  • Guatavita casica's legend
  • Creation of the world legend
  • Origin of the muiscas legend
  • El Dorado legend
  • Emergence of maize legend
  • Cerro de las tres viejas de Sesquile legend
  • Stone Pandi's legend
  • Chaquen punish Tintoa and Sunuba
  • El salto de Tequendama
  • Goldsmith copper and gold
  • Laguna de Tota origin
  • Prophecies
  • Piedras de tunja legend
My experience there was very fun and I learn many things like:
there was where the muiscas live and in the lake they wa
shed themselfs and also there they did rituals and sacrifices for the gods. They believe in many gods that means that they were politheists, they believe in: Bochica, Bachue, Chipchacun, Chia, etc.

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