sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


Atalanta was the daughter of Esceneo, king of Arcadia. At birth his father, disappointed because he wanted a son, left at the top of a mountain to die. But the goddess Artemis will sent a bear that nursed and raised her. Atalanta became the Artemis's adopted daughter and she promise that she would never marry. She became a great hunter and the world's fastest runner.

King Eneo sent messengers for help with one boar that sorruond calydon and was very dangerous. They came brave hunters from all corners of Greece eager to have the honor of killing the boar and keep his skin as a trophy. Participants in the hunt were numerous. There was also a tall, thin girl, armed with bows and arrows, named Atalanta, who surprised everyone by its beauty. She was the first that catch the boar and she hurted it a lot with an arrow. But just becouse Atalanta’s work with the boar other hunter could kill the animal.

Atalanta's father, king of Arcadia, when he knew that his daughter had won Calydon’s boar skin felt very proud and callher and invited her to his palace. He apologize for left her alone in the forest, and he promised her to find her husband worthy of her. But as Atalanta had promised he would never marry. So she said she would be marry only one who win her a race, otherwise, he would die with Atalanta’s own sword. Many men tried to bit her, but anyone could. When the young Hippomenes, great-gandson of poseidon, saw Atalanta for the first time he fall in love inmediatly. He ask help from Aphrodite, who provided him with three golden apples. He distract her with them while both were running, each time he trow an apple Atalanta stop watch it carefuly and picked it up, he arrived to the goal before her and won the race. Hippomenes mary with Atalanta and both were happy for ever.

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


In Colombia there are a number of cultural events that express the variety of ethnic, religious, costumes, traditions and lifestyles of its population and its natural wealth and diversity of different climates, geographies and landscapes, among others.

Here you will find the information related to cultural and archeological issues, holidays, myths and legends, dances and characters of each of the deparments of Colombia. Here are some of the most important myths and leyends of the culture of each region in order that everybody know and share the cultural wealth of the country in all its expressions.
  • Bochicas legend
  • Guatavita casica's legend
  • Creation of the world legend
  • Origin of the muiscas legend
  • El Dorado legend
  • Emergence of maize legend
  • Cerro de las tres viejas de Sesquile legend
  • Stone Pandi's legend
  • Chaquen punish Tintoa and Sunuba
  • El salto de Tequendama
  • Goldsmith copper and gold
  • Laguna de Tota origin
  • Prophecies
  • Piedras de tunja legend
My experience there was very fun and I learn many things like:
there was where the muiscas live and in the lake they wa
shed themselfs and also there they did rituals and sacrifices for the gods. They believe in many gods that means that they were politheists, they believe in: Bochica, Bachue, Chipchacun, Chia, etc.

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Thanks Giving Day

The Thanks Giving Day is a heaveres festival about giving thanks for everything and to share with other people food and time. Mostly it is celebrated in USA the last thursday of November, and in Canada the second monday of October. It is a tradision to make a family meal in one house of one member of the family and there all people make something to eat and to share it with everybody, one typical meal of Thanks Giving Day is the turkey. The turkey is feel with bread and corn, and is served with jelly or cranberry sauce. There are also more meals like: mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, sweet potatoes and the most popular dessert is the pumpkin pie.

In Thanks Giving Day people make a parade in the cities of Manhattan and New York with performance of artists and big balloons. That day people also close treir stores, restaurants and shopping centers, few are open. The next day people start selling christams things in a very cheap price and that day is called "Black Friday"

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Rhine in Flames (Germany)

The main highlight in Bingen is the annual "Rhine in Flames" firework spectacular, which lights up the night skies on both sides of the river and attracts large numbers of spectators to this picturesque setting in the Rhine Valley.

The "Rhine in Flames" festival brings a night of magnificent firework magic to Bingen. This spectacular show is accompanied by a three-day programme of events.

Rhine in Flames is a yearly fireworks extravaganza that bathes the river in light in five different cities throughout the summer. On July 3rd, the lights lit up between Trechtingshausen and Bingen.

Over 50 illuminated boats were underway for the festivities. Castles, houses, and monuments along the river were lit in red as seven firework displays adorned the evening's festivities on both land and water.

A three-day program of events kicked off the event in Bingen to accompany the fireworks and featured food and wine stands, as well as theater, comedy, and live music. Many visitors highly recommend viewing the annual spectacle by boat.

Rhine in Flames dates back to the 1930s. Though during its first 20 years, it was often heald sporadically, it has become a regular attraction in the five participating cities.

Flowers Festival

Scince July 28 to August 7, the Feria de las Flores, or the Flowers Festival in Medellin, is one of the largest events in the country and one of the largest horticultural events in the world.

The festival began in the 1950's to help inspire the large number of flower growers in and around Medellin. The first festivities consisted of just the locals parading small arrangements through the downtown area but it has blossomed into a more than a week long event filled with concerts, parades, speeches, and craft sales.

There are some arrangements called Silletas that can be as large as 15 feet in diameter and need to be carried by a handful of people are one of the highlights. They are arranged to make intricate designs, sometimes of landscapes, figures, or famous paintings and images.

Elsewhere in Medellin during the festival, one can visit the Old Car Parade, the Horse Parade, a Bird and Flower Exposition at the Botanical Gardens, the San Alejo handicrafts market, and the Tablados, or street parties that take place everyday in different parts of the city.

The fair ends with a Grand Parade on the final day that is hours long and filled with music and dancing and flowers.

However, the fair has replaced that image and tourists are taking notice as the festival grows each year.

At present, more than 70% of the flowers sold in the US come from Colombia.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Charles Dickens

English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacs on social evil, injustice and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory. Dickens's good, bad, and comic characters such as the cruel miser Scrooge, the aspiring novelis David Copperfield, or the trusting and innocent Mr. Pickwick, have facinated generations of readers.

Charles Dickens was born in Landport, hampshire, during the new industrial age, which gave birth to theories ok Karl Marx. Dickens's father was a clerck in the navy pay office. He was well paid but often ended in financial troubles. In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham, where he received some education, and he made rapid progress. In 1824 Dickens was sent to work for some months at a blacking factory, Hungerford Market, London, while his father John was in Marshalea debtor's prison. "My father and mother were quite satisfied," Dickens remember. "They could hardly have been more so, if I had been twenty years of age, distinguished at a grammar-school, and going to Cambridge''. John Dickens paid his £40 debt with the money he inherited from his mother; she died at the age of seventy-nine when he was still in prison.